Wednesday, May 29, 2013


As your name was called, you smiled and looked at classmates, family members, teachers, faculty, staff and the principal or president before you walked to get your diploma. What you didn’t share with any of the above mentioned persons was the anxiety you have been dealing with the last few weeks.

Jeanette Winterson said “In the space between chaos and shape there was another chance.”

It is this chaos many of our graduates are in right now as they prepare to go into the next phase of their life. It is exciting and terrifying at the same time. During this transition we here at The Re-De-Fined Project know it can be dangerous as well as filled with profound opportunities.

We want to encourage our youth and young adults to pursue their goals and dreams. The shortest distance between two points may be a straight line, but it is seldom the way human beings arrive at their goals, dreams, and aspirations.

When loved ones offer unconditional love, appropriate boundaries, healthy discipline, and accepts teens as individuals with independent views, allows the teen to develop their unique personality and encourages growth into a responsible and autonomous adult; the teen will make a healthy psychological transition after graduation. We ask you to join us here at The Re-De-Fined Project and celebrate the creativity of our youth and support their vision.

We salute you graduates!

Pay it forward
Travis Hardin