An Inspirational Speaker @ The Re-De-Fined Project
Teaching your kids work ethics is not a last minute chore.
If your kids have reached their Teenage years without having had a single chore
in their lives or a single responsibility you have done them a great injustice.
More and more modern parents falsely believe that children
should not be burdened with the everyday requirements we all must face.
American society is trying to convince us that children would fall apart if we
should put any sort of real life pressures on them. Holding our children and teenagers
responsible for their own actions, expecting them to work for what they want
and teaching them that money does indeed not grow on trees is looked upon as
cruel and unusual punishment by some. In certain states, tests have been taken
out of schools, since they are afraid that we may stunt the mental growth of
some of the less talented students. We wouldn't want to force anyone to think now
would we; they may hurt themselves.Chores, something that were once upon a time a normal thing in a family now seems to be looked upon like a dinosaur, a thing of the past we only marvel at in fear and astonishment by too many youngsters. Parents have taken to "paying" them off with free money to get them out of the house and from under their feet. Excuses like, they will have to work enough when they get older, are not only harmful to a young person's future but are also poor excuses for parents. In case I don't make myself clear with this statement, allow me to phrase it in the following way. Those types of parents would rather hand their children money than to be obligated to spend time with them and actually teach them some life lessons.
How can we, the adults, teach our offspring lessons that are so very important? Simply by giving them chores, jobs and responsibilities. Sit back for a second and think on some of the work you had to perform as a young child and how it helped you become who you are today. If you are a young man or lady who has a great work ethic, I applaud you however, I encourage you to grab another youngster under the age of 18 and tell them to stop expecting everything without work because at some point, the world will no longer be about them. It starts with you!
Pay it forward
Travis Hardin